The foundation was founded by Plamenka Kalinkina and carries out activities for public benefit.
The Foundation operates under the name "Paws of Justice" Foundation.
The goals of the Foundation are:
1. Establish a rescue group to response to violence against animals and establish a volunteer network, which will monitor the observance of the Animal Protection Law and the crimes against animals and to submit signals to the responsible institutions for Northwestern Bulgaria.
2. To work for strengthening human morality by promoting a tolerant and responsible attitude towards nature and animals
3. To look for methods for optimal harmonious coexistence between humans and animals in accordance with the Bulgarian and European legislation
4. To organize and provide protection for all animals, regardless of whether they are wild, domestic or agricultural in accordance with the legislation.
5. To assist in improving the legislation concerning animal welfare
6. To promote the development of human moral and ethical values in relation to nature and especially to animals through the implementation of educational and informational programs
7. To initiate and conduct public debates to review the moral and legal status of animals in modern human society in view of the sensitivity and awareness of animals.
8. To develop environmental education and environmental ethics
9. To provide veterinary medical care to those in need.
10. Castration of stray and domestic animals in order to reduce the population by collecting donations for this purpose
11. Charity events in order to raise funds and food for mutual assistance.
12. To promote animal rights and their respect by society and the law.
The foundation relies on donations to achieve its goals, rescue endangered animals, food and treatment.